Thursday, August 11, 2011

Siapakah Maria Montessori?

Ramai yang tidak mengetahui Maria Montessori penganut ajaran Katholik yang setia. Dinyatakan dalam bukunya "Discovery of the Child" Montessori menyatakan:
Maria Montessori choose the Madonna of the Chair as her emblem, and hung a copy of the painting high up on the wall in each of the Children's House. In her own words she said:
"Indeed the Children's Houses represent not only social progress but also the progress of humanity; they are intimately bound up with the elevation of motherhood, with the the advancement of women, and with the protection of posterity. the Madonna idealized by the divine Raphael is not only lovely and sweet, a sublime virgin and mother with her adorable baby, but beside this perfect symbol of real, living maternity, was the figure of John the Baptist, who represents for us in the fresh beauty of babyhood the cruel sacrifices of him who went before to prepare the way. Further, it introduced a work of art by the greatest Italian artist, and if, some day, Children's Houses are scattered throughout the world, Raphael's picture will be there to speak eloquently of the land of its origin."

Glosari & terjemahan:
adorable: menawan hati
Children's Houses : tempat kanak-kanak belajar
cruel sacrifices: pengorbanan yang kejam
divine: tuhan, dewa
eloquently: lancar/fasih
emblem: lambang
hung: gantung
intimately bound: ikatan mesra
maternity: keibuan
origin: asal usul
protection of posterity: perlindungan generasi akan datang
scattered: merata-rata, berselerak, di sana sini
sublime virgin: perawan/dara yang mengagumkan

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